Providing a welcoming environment that fosters harmonious relationships in school

Demonstrate a warm and welcoming attitude toward students every day.

Create an environment conducive to exchanges on various topics.

Organize facilities and scheduling so that young people feel comfortable at school.

  • Schedule dedicated times for meals, breaks and recesses.
  • Organize facilities based on the students’ age.
  • Implement noise-control measures inside and outside the classroom.
  • Provide dedicated relaxation areas for student use only.
  • Provide dedicated spaces for teamwork.
  • Provide same-sex locker rooms and washrooms.
  • Install small garbage cans for tampons and sanitary napkins in each girls’ washroom and provide space for changing privately.
  • Install proper lighting (e.g. limit the use of neon lights, encourage natural light).

This action is aligned with the following frameworks:

Promote inclusion and prosocial behaviours (e.g. co-operation and mutual assistance) among students and teachers.

  • Provide multiple opportunities for students to develop their social skills. For example, encourage teamwork in a climate of goodwill, and organize constructive and respectful debates.
  • Organize and lead activities in indoor and outdoor spaces.
  • Implement a mentoring and support program supervised by an adult (e.g. encourage the pairing of students with fewer social skills and those with prosocial behaviours).
  • Focus on modelling (e.g. positive interactions between staff members).
  • Listen to and respect young people.
  • Be open to sexual diversity and actively engage in the fight against homophobia.
  • Provide mechanisms to support conflict resolution, such as co-operative councils.
  • Offer a variety of activities.
  • Promote ethics and sportsmanship.

This action is aligned with the following frameworks:

Value students as well as individual and collective achievements.

  • Consult with students and include their expertise.
  • Emphasize the positive.
  • Provide opportunities for students to be challenged according to their abilities and interests.

Develop and implement a school code of conduct.

  • Create and display a limited number of clear, concrete and positive rules of conduct.
  • Teach expected behaviours rather than unacceptable behaviours and commend students who respect the rules (e.g. note in the school agenda, certificates).
  • Manage misbehaviour by quickly and rigorously applying the expected consequences according to the severity of the act.
  • Favour restorative measures, positive reinforcement and dialogue rather than punitive measures or sanctions such as suspension or expulsion.

This action is aligned with the following frameworks:

Last update: March 20, 2024


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