School-based interventions according to health and well-being theme

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Young people may experience situations related to one or more health and well-being themes. Rather than being addressed separately, common elements can be discussed at the same time in order to better reflect young people’s reality and ensure meaningful learning opportunities.


Example of a situation experienced by a young person

When starting secondary school, Nicholas has to adapt to new academic requirements and integrate into a new group of students. He is exposed to young people who smoke, and witnesses bullying in the hallways and on school grounds.

The situations Nicholas experiences fall under several categories—Mental Health, Violence, and Tobacco—which are consequential during his period of transition.

To maximize the effect and impact of health promotion and prevention actions in schools, it is important that these actions:

  • respect best practices
  • have no adverse effects
  • take a positive intervention approach with young people

General recommendations

Intervention guidelines have been developed to support the work of stakeholders who plan and implement promotion and prevention actions.

Last update: February 28, 2024


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