Oral health refers to the absence of cavities, tooth loss, pain, infection, oral lesions and other diseases or disorders that restrict the ability to eat, smile or speak.

Maintaining good oral health means preventing cavities, oral and gum disease, and oral trauma. Tooth decay is an infectious, chronic and common condition that can begin as soon as the first teeth appear. It can also be prevented through good oral hygiene and healthy eating habits.

Interventions in schools should promote the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits (oral hygiene, healthy eating, tobacco-free lifestyle) in order to prevent cavities, oral and gum diseases, and oral injuries related to the practice of sports and recreational activities.


  • cavities
  • fluoride, fluoride toothpaste
  • oral hygiene
  • routine
  • teeth
  • toothbrushing

Key moments for implementing structured educational interventions

  • Preschool
  • Elementary 2
  • Elementary 5
  • Secondary II

Specific recommendations

  • Take advantage of opportunities to re-engage students in taking care of their oral health by planning structured interventions.
  • Focus interventions on adopting and maintaining good oral health habits:
    • Emphasize the importance of brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Focus interventions on adopting and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits.
  • Include interventions to prevent oral injuries related to sports and recreational activities and to ensure a rapid response in the event of accidents or oral injuries.
  • Establish a collaboration mechanism, particularly to offer joint training with the health and social services network and the education network (e.g. schools, school boards or school service centres, CISSS and CIUSSS, educational childcare services).

Last update: March 20, 2024


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