Inform us of any changes to your situation

Here are some examples of changes you need to inform us about because they could affect your financial assistance instalments:

  • Financial situation: Your income has increased or decreased.
  • Marital status: You are newly married or now residing with a spouse.
  • Family situation: You are a new parent or there has been a change in custody of your children.
  • Student or self-supporting student status: You recently obtained a bachelor's degree.
  • Place of residence: You no longer reside with your parents or you return to live with them.
  • Disability: You or a child who lives with you (yours or your spouse's) has been diagnosed with a major functional disability.

You can inform us of these changes in your Student Financial Assistance File This hyperlink will open in a new window..  If you have failed to provide us with certain information or have provided us with incorrect information, you may be in a position of false declaration.

Note that no documents will be accepted after December 29 following the end of the school year concerned.

Contact your educational institution directly if there are any changes in your study periods or terms (e.g. dropping all or part of your course load, changing institutions).

Contact Aide financière aux études, Client Services

  • Opening days

    Monday to Friday, (except holidays)

  • Opening hours

    From 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 13:00 p.m. to 16:30 p.m.

    Wednesday, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • Phone numbers

    Québec city area: 418-643-3750

    Montréal area: 514-864-3557

    Toll-free in Canada and the USA: 1-877-643-3750

Last update: September 15, 2023


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General notice

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Please contact Services Québec