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Map display of geographic boundaries

Geographic boundaries shown on this map are provided for information purpose only. The description of exceptional bodies of water presented in the grid always take precedence over their representation on the map. It should be noted that a certain degree of imprecision is associated with the display of geographic boundaries on a map. It is your responsibility to validate information regarding the location shown on the map, especially when fishing near the boundaries of your fishing zone, of territories or of bodies of water where exceptions apply.

In the case of bodies of water affected by regulatory exceptions, the boundaries described in the grid take precedence over their representation on the map. Attention to tributaries: many are not mapped as bodies of water affected by exceptions. To validate the boundaries of territories such as ZECs, you can enquire at the office of the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs or at the reception desk of the ZEC.

Recreational territories (structured)

Fishing periods, limits and exceptions applicable to national parks, ZECs and wildlife reserves may differ from those presented through the interactive map. Information obtained at the reception desk of these territories takes precedence over any other.

Use of the map

In order to avoid accidentally exposing yourself to infractions due to the misuse of the interactive map, it is important to be aware of the various features offered by this tool before its first use. To do so, visit the “First steps” section.

Privacy policy

By using the interactive map and the regulatory grid, you accept our privacy policy This hyperlink will open in a new window..