Sharing your regular or additional licence for white-tailed deer hunting

You can also hunt as a group of six people with your regular or additional hunting licence. You have to agree on a commitment to share the harvest limit for white-tailed deer. Each member may hunt as long as one of the people in the group still has a transportation coupon on his or her licence.

Licences can only be pooled in this way in wildlife reserves and outfitters with exclusive rights, as well as on the Kenauk Nature X S.E.C., Seigneurie du Lac Métis and part of the Seigneurie Nicolas‑Rioux S.E.C. territories.

It is up to the hunters to decide if they will adhere to it when they enter the site.

General notice

Possible hunting licence shares

Wondering who you can share your hunting licence with? See our summary table (PDF 601 Kb) for a quick answer.

Process and conditions to meet

To use this measure, you must meet the following conditions.

Fill in and submit a commitment form

When your group of hunters enters the hunting site, it must give the reception officer a copy of the completed commitment form (PDF 107 Kb). This document identifies members of the group authorized to use the licence of another hunter. The form includes the names and signatures of the hunters, their white-tailed deer hunting licence numbers, the purpose of the commitment and its duration, the name of the area, and the date of the commitment.

Respect the duration of the commitment

The duration of the commitment cannot exceed the duration of your group’s stay in the territory. A hunter who is a party to the commitment cannot, for its duration, become a party to another similar commitment. For the duration shown on the form, all the hunters whose names appear on the form may use the white-tailed deer hunting licence of another member of the group, in the area concerned. This measure is valid as long as one of them has a valid deer hunting licence and is present in the area.

Carry the commitment document

When hunting, all the group members must carry a copy of the commitment and must also carry their own hunting licence, even if the transportation coupon has been removed. The commitment must be shown to a wildlife protection officer or assistant upon request.

Attach a transportation coupon

A hunter who kills a white-tailed deer must remove the transportation coupon from his or her own licence and attach it to the carcass. If the coupon has already been removed and attached to a carcass, the hunter must ensure that a transportation coupon from a valid licence held by a person named on the commitment form and present at the site is placed on the carcass, on the day of the kill

Registering the game

Each hunter must register the deer to which his or her transportation coupon has been attached.

The members of your group are responsiblefor complying with the limit on the number of deer that they can kill. A person who takes part in the hunt, but no longer has a transportation coupon attached to his or her licence, must ensure that he or she always hunts in close proximity to another member of the group who has a valid one. He or she must be able to communicate with the other member at all times to avoid multiple kills.

Regulatory Information

Last update: March 19, 2024


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General notice

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