Safe Behaviour on Traffic Lanes

Following traffic rules helps ensure your safety and the safety of other road users.

How to Drive on the Traffic Lanes

On a roadway on which traffic is permitted in both directions:

  • You must travel in the right or far right lane if there is more than one lane in the same direction. Where a reserved lane is provided, vehicles other than those identified by the sign are prohibited from using that lane.
  • You can move into a left lane in the same direction to make a pass or left turn, or when the far right lane is obstructed.
  • If your lane is obstructed, you may use the oncoming lane by yielding to oncoming traffic.

Signal your Intention

You must signal your intentions ahead with your turn signals before making the following manoeuvres:

  • make a turn;
  • change lanes;
  • make a U-turn;
  • signal your exit from a traffic circle;
  • re-enter the roadway while on the shoulder or in a curbside parking area.

Precautionary Principle

Drivers of vehicles must respect and be cautious of vulnerable road users, including people with reduced mobility, cyclists and pedestrians.

Vulnerable users must behave in a way that ensures their safety.

Reserved Lanes

Lanes may be reserved for buses, taxis, electric vehicles or carpools, depending on the signage.

Driving in the Presence of an Emergency Vehicle

When an emergency vehicle is approaching and its lights or sound signals are on, you must yield the right of way:

  • by reducing your speed;
  • by moving as far to the right as possible;
  • by stopping your vehicle, when required.

Last update: December 4, 2023


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