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Internships and Job Shadowing

Interning and job shadowing in a real work environment help you to acquire practical knowledge about a trade or profession and gain first-hand work experience. They also give you a chance to find out whether you have chosen the right occupation or field of activity.


Interning provides you with an opportunity to gain first-hand work experience in your field of choice over a period of up to 4 weeks. You'll be able to see whether your career choice lives up to your expectations and show a potential employer what you can do.

Job shadowing

Job shadowing gives you a chance to spend a few weeks in a real workplace and see what a job that interests you is really like. Not only will you gain a better understanding of the job in question, but you'll also get an opportunity to make valuable contacts with people in the field.

How to apply

If you are taking part in an Emploi-Québec program, talk to the resource person assisting you. 

If you have not started to look for work yet, contact an agent at the Services Québec office nearest you. The agent will assess your needs and propose a workplace experience based on your areas of interest. He or she will also be able to help you find a job or training.

You can also explore the list of workplace experiences available under your program on your own. However, you’ll have to contact your resource person or an agent in a Services Québec office if you want to participate in an internship or a job shadowing experience.

Financial assistance for internships and job shadowing

For employment insurance recipients: benefits are maintained until they run out as planned. Child care and transportation expenses are reimbursed under certain conditions. 

For social assistance recipients and Emploi-Québec program participants: benefits are maintained. Child care, transportation and other expenses are reimbursed under certain conditions. 

For individuals not receiving public income support: child care, transportation and other expenses are reimbursed under certain conditions.

Last update: July 6, 2023


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