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  5. Filiation of a child born of sexual assault

Filiation of a child born of sexual assault

If you become pregnant as a result of sexual assault, you can oppose the assailant’s claim to filiation with the child. The child will be able to claim filiation with the assailant in the future, if the child so wishes.

If the assailant is already the child’s parent, an application can be made to have the existing filiation withdrawn if this is in your child’s best interests. The child, unless adopted, may request the definitive restoration of the withdrawn bond of filiation.

Financial contribution as support

In the absence of a bond of filiation between the child born of a sexual assault and the assailant, you may ask the court to order the assailant to pay you a financial contribution as support to help provide for your child’s needs.


If you were born as a result of a sexual assault and have no bond of filiation with the assailant, you may in some cases still be able to inherit from that person or from a relative of that person. You may be considered the assailant’s child if the assailant dies on or after June 6, 2023.

Last update: April 3, 2024


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