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  6. Integrated Perinatal and Early Childhood Services program

The Services intégrés en périnatalité et pour la petite enfance (SIPPE) program


We all want the best for our children, but it's not always easy to be a parent. The SIPPE (Integrated Perinatal and Early Childhood Services) program can give parents a helping hand during pregnancy as well as when the baby arrives and up until they start school.

The SIPPE program offers several services to parents:

  • tailored support and personalized follow-up depending on parents' school, housing or social assistance needs;
  • stimulating ideas for parent-child activities aimed at stimulating children;
  • relevant information on health, relationships, child development and parent life;
  • meaningful group meetings with other parents to exchange, discuss and share.


The SIPPE program is intended for new or future parents who are experiencing financial difficulties and who have one of the following two characteristics:

  • they do not have a high school or vocational diploma;
  • they feel isolated or alone.


The SIPPE program is offered in all regions of Québec by teams of care providers from CLSCs. Services are tailored to the needs of each family. They are offered, among others, by nurses, social workers, family support workers, nutritionists and psychoeducators.

The first step in the SIPPE program is a meeting at home to discuss the support needed to live your new life as a parent with complete peace of mind.

For more information, contact your CLSC This hyperlink will open in a new window..

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Last update: November 3, 2020


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