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  5. Recognition of Prior Learning and Acquired Competencies

Recognition of Prior Learning and Acquired Competencies

The recognition of prior learning and acquired competencies (RAC) process enables you to obtain official recognition of the competencies you acquired outside school when you apply for admission to adult general education or vocational training.


This process allows previously mastered competencies to be identified and, if applicable, the missing competencies to be acquired in order to attain your objectives. The RAC also facilitates the search for a new job and helps advance your career.

At the end of the process, recognition is recorded in an official document (e.g. a report card, attestation or diploma) that attests to the acquisition of all the competencies associated with a program of study, or with a part of this program of study (e.g. credits).

RAC services provide you with support and guidance throughout the process. They are offered in adult education centres and vocational training centres in Québec.

Submit an application

To start the process of having your prior learning and acquired competencies recognized, you need to contact the school service centre or school board in your region This hyperlink will open in a new window. (in French only) and make an appointment.

To learn more about SARCA services, view the explanatory video This hyperlink will open in a new window. (in French only).

Last update: May 16, 2024


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