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Hero in 30 Training Course: CPR Without Mouth-to-Mouth Ventilation


The ‘Hero in 30© Training Course: CPR Without Mouth-to-Mouth Ventilation’ prepares you on how to rapidly respond when a person chokes, collapses suddenly or has cardiac arrest. This 30-minute course teaches a simplified version of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR-AED) technique that does not use mouth-to-mouth ventilation.

This short training course was developed in Québec by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux in collaboration with Urgences-santé This hyperlink will open in a new window. and the Heart and Stroke Foundation (« Cœur + AVC This hyperlink will open in a new window. »). The course is based on the latest resuscitation guidelines, which show that in the minutes following cardiac arrest, chest compression alone is as effective as when combined with ventilation.

When cardiac arrest occurs, each passing minute diminishes the chances of survival by 7 to 10%. Rapid response can make a significant difference and save the person’s life.

Simplified method for everyone

Hero in 30© teaches only the essential actions to take in an emergency situation, such as cardiac massage and defibrillation. The short length of the Hero in 30© training course allows for a greater number of people to be trained and be prepared to respond quickly and effectively in an emergency situation. Trained individuals will be surer of themselves knowing how to help a friend, family member or other person. As such, they have the opportunity to be heroes for life.


The 30-minutes training course includes theory and practice. Presentations are accompanied by demonstration videos and images to facilitate understanding. Dummies and defibrillators are also employed during practice activities.

During the training course, participants learn to recognise signs of complete obstruction of the airways and of cardiac arrest. They also learn to:

  • clear the airways
  • perform cardiac massage
  • use an automated external defibrillator (AED)


The training is no longer available for an indefinite period. More details to come.

However, in the Montréal and Laval regions, Urgences-santé paramedics also offer training courses for free during certain events. Visit the Héros urbain This hyperlink will open in a new window. page on the Urgences-santé website for event dates.

Last update: May 25, 2021


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