Your 84-year-old mother, a veteran driver, was just declared incapable by her doctor. Does that automatically mean she’s no longer able to drive her car?

Not necessarily. That one assessment alone is not enough to determine her incapacity, and nothing is decided automatically. An incapable person who meets the requirements of the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) This hyperlink will open in a new window. and of the Highway Safety Code may keep their driver’s licence.

Health condition and driver’s licence

Driving requires good reflexes, sharp vision and a clean bill of health. According to the Highway Safety Code, the SAAQ can require a person who is applying for or renewing their driver’s licence to undergo a medical examination or a health check. The SAAQ can refuse to issue a driver’s licence to a person with a disease or a disability, or whose condition would present a danger to themselves or others if they were to drive. So, a person who is incapable will not be categorically refused a driver’s licence. Each case is unique. For example, a person may be unfit to manage their assets, but be perfectly capable of watching out for their own safety, at home and on the road.

Last update: May 10, 2023