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  5. Licence to practice and temporary license issued under the Charter of the French Language

Licence to practice and temporary license issued under the Charter of the French Language

Licence to practice

Your professional order may grant you a regular licence to practice if:

  • you meet all the requirements of your professional order
  • you have a knowledge of French that is appropriate to the practice of your profession, as defined by the Charter of the French Language
  • you obtain a certificate of knowledge of French

You must maintain a knowledge of French sufficient for the practice of the profession for as long as you hold a permit to practice (Article 35.1 of the Charter).

if, for valid reasons (e.g., complaints related to an inability to provide service in French or an inspection that could not be conducted in French), your professional order considers that you have not maintained a knowledge of French that is appropriate to the practice of the profession, it may recommend measures (e.g., refresher courses) to help you regain this knowledge (Section 35.2).

If, despite the recommended measures, your professional order considers that there are serious grounds for believing that you still do not demonstrate an appropriate knowledge of French, it may require you to pass the French exam administered by the Office québécois de la langue française.

Temporary licence

You may obtain a temporary permit issued under section 37 of the Charter if your knowledge of French is not appropriate to the practice of the profession, and your professional order recognizes that you have acquired, outside Québec, the professional skills required to obtain such a permit.

The temporary permit allows you to practice your profession while continuing to learn French. It is valid for a maximum of one year.


The temporary permit may be renewed up to a maximum of three times with the authorization of the Office if justified by public interest. To qualify for renewal, you must appear for the Office's examination at least once during the twelve months following the issuance of the initial permit or its renewal.

The years for which a temporary permit is valid must be consecutive. Once the validity period of the temporary permit has expired, you will no longer be able to practice your profession unless you pass the Office examination. However, you may continue to take the exam until you pass.

Contact your professional order for more information on eligibility requirements.


Need help?

Contact the general information service of the Office québécois de la langue française:

Montréal area:
514 873-6565

Elsewhere in Québec (toll free):
1 888 873-6202

Last update: March 7, 2024


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