Report or Complaint Form

Animal safety and welfare

Did you notice an animal in an unacceptable situation or receiving improper care and requiring action? Whether it’s a pet, a farm animal, a wild animal in captivity, or an exotic animal, you can fill out the following form.

General notice

Your complaint will be handled by the inspection services of the ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation, in the case of a pet or a farm animal.

A report regarding captive wildlife, whether native or exotic, will be forwarded to the ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs.

Reason for the report or complaint

Location of the incident or establishment concerned

Is this the exact address?

Explanation of the complaint

Example : 2020-12-31
Did you personally witness the situation?
Animals concerned
Concerned species

Condition of the animals

What is the general condition of the animals?

Shelter location and care received by the animals

Problems observed
Unsanitary premises
Example : 2020-12-31

Location of the incident or establishment concerned

Is this the exact address?

Explanation of the complaint

Subject of the complaint

Your contact information

General notice

All complaints are confidential.

Your contact information is required so you can be contacted for more information, if needed. Only authorized persons will be able to access the information you have provided.

We will contact you only if additional information is required.

Example : 123 456-7890
Example :

Please attach photo evidence to support your report or complaint.

Allowed file type : JPG, PNG, DOC, DOCX, PDF

Last update: January 8, 2024