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LGBTQ+ Action Award

General notice

Call for applications is closed

The call for applications closed on March 22, 2024, at 11:59 pm.

Purpose of the award

The LGBTQ+ Action Award recognizes the contributions of individuals and organizations that make Québec more open and inclusive for LGBTQ+ people.

During the awards ceremony, the finalists in each category receive a commemorative plaque. The winning individuals and organizations receive a work of art.


The LGBTQ+ Action Award is divided into two categories:

Tribute: This category is open to Québec-based individuals or organizations that have stood out in the fight against homophobia and transphobia.

Safe Space: This category is open to Québec-based individuals or organizations that have fostered a safe environment for LGBTQ+ people in areas such as education, sports and recreation, or the health and social services system. Initiatives may also contribute to the prevention of homophobic and transphobic violence.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible in either category, nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • Be either a natural person of legal age domiciled in Québec; a legal entity registered with the Québec Enterprise Register (provide the name as it appears in the register, the civic number, and the legal form of the business); a government or parapublic agency; a trade association; a regional county municipality; a municipality; or a band council;
  • Meet the evaluation criteria for the relevant category;
  • Complete all sections of the electronic nomination form and provide the required documents.

The jury will not consider incomplete applications.

Evaluation criteria

Every year, the Bureau de lutte contre l’homophobie et la transphobie forms a new jury of five people chosen for their expertise. The jury selects three finalists in each category, including one winner.

Applications are evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • How well the application reflects the purpose of the award
  • Quality, scope, and originality of the achievements
  • Contributions to the fight against homophobia and transphobia
  • Credibility of the person or organization submitting or supporting the nomination
  • General presentation of the application

Writing tips

Here are a few tips for writing your nomination with the evaluation criteria in mind.

Relevance of the nomination

  • Specify how the nominee meets the criteria for their chosen category.
  • Introduce the nominee by providing biographical or historical information, describing relevant experiences, and highlighting key facts.
  • Identify the area in which the nominee has been particularly active in the fight against homophobia and transphobia.
  • Describe specific challenges the nominee has faced and how they overcame them.

Quality, scope, and originality of achievements

  • How has the nominee demonstrated innovation? What makes them an inspiring role model?
  • Have they facilitated collaboration and partnerships?
  • How do the nominee’s actions make a difference in the community? Why do they deserve government recognition?
  • Have they gone above and beyond the expectations of similar missions?

Contributions to the fight against homophobia and transphobia

  • Have the nominee’s actions resulted in significant change at the community, regional, or national level?
  • Have the nominee’s actions had local, regional, or national impact?
  • Are the nominee’s actions and achievements sustainable, with long-term implications?

About the award

Created in 2023, the LGBTQ+ Action Award is Québec’s main government honour to annually highlight contributions to the creation of a more open and inclusive society for LGBTQ+ people in Québec.

The LGBTQ+ Action Award is part of the 2023–2028 government action plan to combat homophobia and transphobia (French) (PDF 2.35 Mb).


For more information, contact the Bureau de lutte contre l’homophobie et la transphobie.

Contact the Bureau de lutte contre l’homophobie et la transphobie

Last update: April 22, 2024


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