
To be eligible, individuals must meet the compensation plan's eligibility criteria for victims of a Héma-Québec product.

To be considered a victim, a person must:

  • Have suffered bodily injury caused by a product distributed by Héma-Québec, which is defective or contaminated by known or unknown pathogens. Pathogens are infectious agents (e.g., a virus, bacteria or parasite) that cause a disease
  • And meet one of the following conditions:
    • Have received a defective product distributed by Héma-Québec after September 27, 1998 during a medical procedure performed in Québec
    • Have contracted the disease from someone who has received a defective product distributed by Héma-Québec after September 27, 1998 in a Québec establishment. Transmission of this disease may have occurred as a result of an injury or sexual contact, for instance
    • Be the child conceived by, and born alive and viable to a person considered a victim according to the previous conditions

Bodily injury

A bodily injury is serious, physical or psychological, permanent damage, death included.

Several adverse reactions following the administration of a product does not constitute bodily injury. To know more about this, please see Regulation respecting the conditions for compensation to victims of a Héma-Québec product This hyperlink will open in a new window.


To be eligible for the compensation plan, you must submit a compensation claim to the Institut national de santé publique (INSPQ) within 3 years from the date the bodily injury is first manifested.

Last update: May 6, 2019


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