Ministerial Assistive Communication Devices Program

Under the Ministerial Assistive Communication Devices Program (MACDP), equipment is loaned to people with a physical or intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder that causes communication problems.

The MACDP covers five categories of assistive devices:

  • Speech aids
  • Augmentative and alternative communication aids
  • Computer access aids
  • Environmental control devices
  • Adaptive telephones

Learn more about the MACDP

General notice

Service in English is reserved for individuals covered by the exceptions stipulated in the Charter of the French language. If you have navigated to this content, you confirm in good faith that you are such an individual.

Assistive information and communication technology for students

Other programs and measures are proposed to finance assistive information and communication technology for students.

The document Les aides technologiques à l’information et à la communication (ATIC) et le parcours scolaire [Assistive information and communication technology (AICT) for students; in French only] presents a brief description of each program or measure, the target clientele and practical information to help you find the right resources.

Consult the document Les aides technologiques à l'information et à la communication (ATIC) et le parcours scolaire