
The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (Québec) is involved in promoting UNESCO ideals, which revolve around the following four themes: global issues and the role of the United Nations; human rights, democracy and respect; intercultural learning; education for sustainable development.

The government entrusts the mandate to develop and administer the Associated Schools Network in Québec to a committee composed of representatives of Éducation internationale, the Fédération des centres de services scolaires du Québec, the Centrale des syndicats du Québec and the Fédération des établissements d’enseignement privés.


They are:

  • annual meetings for young people and adults
  • training by and for those in charge
  • access to pedagogical tools
  • the added value for the school of belonging to an international network
  • the opportunity to participate in Canadian and international events

Become an Associated School

The Québec Network gives schools an opportunity to apply to become a member of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network. Public and private preschool, elementary and secondary schools (including those offering vocational training) are eligible.

To apply on behalf of your educational institution, contact Éducation internationale This hyperlink will open in a new window..

For additional information on the Network, go to the website of the Réseau des Écoles associées de l’UNESCO du Québec or contact the Secrétariat du Réseau des écoles associées de l’UNESCO.

Secrétariat du réseau des écoles associées de l’UNESCO du Québec