Sample powers of attorney

Here are some power of attorney templates that can be used in certain situations.

I, the undersigned, Mike Smith, currently residing at 2424 rue Rostand in Québec City, hereby name as my mandatary Shawn Jones, currently residing at 1212 rue Bellemare in Montréal.

I grant him the power to:

  • rent in my name and on my behalf, from Bloc Hugo Inc., the apartment located at 114-233 rue Alexandre, in Montréal, from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, to include the following amenities and services: [to be completed];
  • agree in my name to pay a sum of $1,500 in rent per month during that period; and
  • sign all contracts and documents required hereunder, including the lease, and do everything necessary to execute this power of attorney.

Signed in Québec City on ________________

Acceptance (optional)

I, the undersigned, Shawn Jones, agree to execute the mandate entrusted to me in this document by Mike Smith.

Signed in Montréal, on ________________





Note that, for financial or banking powers of attorney, many financial institutions require you to use a specific form.

I, the undersigned, Maryse Bowen, currently residing at 125 rue Champlain in Québec City, hereby name as my mandatary my son Julian Bowen, currently residing at 55 rue Taschereau in Québec City.

I grant him the power to:

  • access and open my safety deposit box number 817 at XYZ Financial Institution, take possession of its contents and sign any document that needs to be signed;
  • endorse any cheque or interest or dividend coupon on my behalf;
  • deposit my money in my savings account number 76543 at XYZ Financial Institution;
  • give me $800 in cash on the first day of each month; and
  • sign all contracts and documents required hereunder and do everything necessary to execute this power of attorney.


Signed in Québec City on ________________


Acceptance (optional)

I, the undersigned, Julian Bowen, agree to execute the power of attorney entrusted to me in this document by my mother, Maryse Bowen.


Signed in Québec, on ________________





I, the undersigned, Peter Clark, currently residing at 321 rue Cartier in Montréal, hereby designate as my mandatary Louis Duncan, currently residing at 482 avenue d'Iberville in Montréal.

I invest my mandatary with the power to manage my movable and immovable property according to the rules of simple administration.

Signed in Montréal on ________________


Acceptance (optional)

I, the undersigned, Louis Duncan, agree to execute the power of attorney entrusted to me in this document by Peter Clark.

Signed in Montréal on ________________





Last update: February 23, 2023


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