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Importance of French in Québec

Choosing Quebec means wanting to live in a French-speaking society. According to the Charter of the French Language, French is the official and common language of Québec and its public institutions. Knowledge of French is an essential requirement for permanent immigration to Québec.

French is the normal and usual language of:

  • Work;
  • Instruction;
  • Business;
  • Commerce;
  • Daily life.

French is also the language of:

  • The State;
  • Legislation and justice;
  • Integration;
  • Intercultural communication.

While living in Québec, you will use French every day. Speaking French will allow you to interact and flourish within Québec society and to play a part in its development.

Learning French to immigrate to Québec

Your knowledge of French will be taken into account when you apply to immigrate permanently to Québec. The level of French required may vary depending on the immigration program

A strong commitment to learning or improving French while abroad will help you meet Québec's selection requirements and integrate more quickly. 

To learn French abroad, you can take French courses at one of our partner language schools. If you have a valid Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) or Certificat d'acceptation du Québec (CAQ), the fees associated with these courses may be reimbursed under certain conditions upon your arrival in Québec. 

Learning French to participate in Québec society

Once you arrive in Québec, you'll have many choices of free courses to learn French. There are many advantages to taking a French course offered by the Québec government.

If you are an immigrant:

  • Our courses are designed to help you integrate into Québec society; 
  • The courses will enable you to use French in your daily life;  
  • You may be eligible for financial assistance; 
  • The courses will help you enter or stay in the job market. 

If you are Canadian by birth:

  • The courses will enable you to use French in your daily life; 
  • The courses will help you enter or stay in the job market. 

Learn French to become a member of a professional order

In Québec, certain professions are governed by a professional order.

It is mandatory to be a member of your professional order to work legally with the title of your profession.

To do so, you must:

  • pass the French exam of the Office québécois de la langue française
  • obtain a licence to practice

Consult the page Learning French to Become a Member of a Professional Order for all the details.

Last update: April 24, 2024


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