Félix, age 10, inherited a large amount of money following the death of his godfather and favourite playmate. Summer is in full swing, and Félix would love to spend his school holiday riding a new mountain bike. Can Félix’s parents use his patrimony to buy him a bike?

No. Félix’s parents have a legal obligation to provide for their child and cover the costs related to ensuring his well-being. Known as the obligation of support and maintenance, this includes expenses related to food, housing, clothing, education, and recreational activities. Even though Félix received an inheritance, this money cannot be used to pay for expenses that fall under the obligation of support. The inheritance must be kept intact until he reaches full age.

There are some exceptions in which Félix’s parents could ask the tutorship council to authorize the use of the patrimony. In that case, however, they would have to prove that they cannot afford the expense.

To find out more, visit the page on Obligations related to the administration of the property of a minor.

Last update: August 18, 2023