Changing a regime during a marriage or civil union

You can change your matrimonial or civil union regime at any time, as long as your spouse consents.

When you change your regime, you terminate the regime that has governed your relationship since your marriage or civil union. In some cases, this will mean that you have to share with your spouse the property that you have both acquired during that period.

If you have not signed a marriage or civil union contract, your current regime is a partnership of acquests. However, this does not apply to couples married before 1970.

How to proceed

To change your regime, you and your spouse must sign a new marriage or civil union contract before a notary.

In general, you should contact the notary who drew up your original marriage or civil union contract.

You do not need to:

  • have the court approve this change;
  • issue public notices about this change for the benefit of creditors.

Date of effect of the new regime

The new regime takes effect on the day it is signed. It has no retroactive effect.

Last update: April 6, 2023


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