
Procedures for getting vaccinated vary by region.

To find out how to proceed and where to go get vaccinated, contact your CLSC or doctor. To find contact information, go to Finding a CLSC. You can also call Info-Santé 811 to ask about the closest place from you to get vaccinated.

Students in Grade 4 of primary school and in Secondary 3 can be given the HPV vaccine at school, by a CLSC nurse, under the School-based Vaccination program.

Number of people vaccinated

Since the program was introduced in 2008, more than one million doses of HPV vaccine have been administered in Québec.

According to data collected since 2008, around 75% of girls in Grade 4 of primary school are vaccinated against HPV every year.  

The vaccine against HPV infections is safe and the majority of symptoms after vaccination are mild and short. To find out more about studies on the safety of the HPV vaccine, go to the Safety of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine This hyperlink will open in a new window. page.

Last update: September 1, 2020


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