Did you know that the Curateur public du Québec is one of the oldest government organizations in the province? Created 78 years ago, when the Maurice Duplessis government adopted a law creating a public curatorship system on July 21, 1945, the public curator then oversaw the property and the person of Québecers remanded to psychiatric institutions for treatment.

The mission and responsibilities of the Curateur public du Québec, as well as the people it serves, have changed significantly since that time.

Today, the notion of protection measures is no longer reserved for persons with mental health problems, but also includes minors whose assets must be protected and persons of full age in vulnerable situations. Initiatives such as the assistance measure, protection mandate, temporary representation, tutorship to a person of full age and tutorship to the property of a minor enable us to better meet the requirements of persons and increasingly tailor the protection and support offered to the needs and circumstances of individuals.

The coming into force of the law to better protect vulnerable persons on November 1, 2022 allowed for reinforcing Québec’s commitment to focusing on the strength of people while further enhancing their independence and rights. 

On its 78th anniversary, the Curateur public du Québec wishes to reflect on the major strides made in terms of public protection and thank everyone who has helped ensure the security and well-being of vulnerable persons.

The Curateur public du Québec in absolute terms

The Curateur public du Québec has over 800 employees working at its head office or one of the organization’s 11 points of service to help protect persons who are incapable and the patrimony of minors. There are close to 175,000 persons of full age in Québec deemed incapable, with nearly 34,500 of them subject to a protection measure, as follows: 

  • 13,000 persons under public measures;

  • 9,400 persons under private measures; and,

  • 12,100 persons under a homologated mandate.

Last update: July 28, 2023