Sample Interview Questions

Recruiters use interview questions to learn more about applicants, their experience, and their education and training. Interview questions can also be used to assess applicants’ abilities and motivation. By preparing for standard questions, you can increase your odds of giving the answers that the recruiter is looking for.

Resources like employability services organizations (French only) This hyperlink will open in a new window. and Services Québec employees can provide you with the help and advice you need to prepare for an interview.

Exemples de questions d’entrevue

Why did you leave your previous jobs?

Avoid mentioning details that could make you look bad. Don't criticize your former employers. Explain what you are looking for in a new job.

Why do you want to work for our company?

Show that you have carefully selected the company and have the employee profile they are looking for.

What are your strong points?

Mention talents that could be beneficial in the available job. Be ready with some examples that illustrate these strengths.

What are your weak points?

Talk about your difficulties and the aspects of your personality that you wish to improve, and explain what you are doing to correct them.

Can you work under pressure?

Be truthful: you may be put to the test. If you have no problem working under pressure, say that pressure motivates you. However, you should add that you prefer to plan ahead.

Why should we hire you over another candidate?

Talk about your skills in order to convince the employer that you are the right person for the job.

What salary are you asking for?

Don't bring up the question of salary and working conditions at the first interview. However, if the employer broaches the subject, you must be able to provide an appropriate response. To find out more about working conditions and salaries, see the “Explore a trade or occupation” section of the Labour Market Information (LMI Online) This hyperlink will open in a new window. website.

You could say, for example, "I am aware that the pay scale for this kind of position ranges from $… to $…, and, naturally, I would like to be as high as possible on that scale." This is a positive response that leaves room for negotiation.

See also

  • Job offers

Last update: July 4, 2023


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