Create a user account in online services

If you have not already done so, register individually or register your business, institution, or organization with the program’s online services.

This is a prerequisite for submitting a multiple dwelling building charging station reimbursement request.

Step 1 – Create your account

Click on the Create an account button to access the program’s online services:

  • Your personal or professional email address personal will be your user code in the online services.
  • Indicate the first name and last name of the applicant.
  • Your password must comprise at least seven characters and contain at least one capital letter, one lowercase letter, and one digit.

Step 2 – Activate your account

You will immediately receive an email:

  • Click on the hyperlink in the email to activate your account.
  • Click on Connect, then enter the information requested.

You will then access for the first time the program’s online services.

Step 3 – Fill out your profile

  • In the online services portal, select the Program Roulez électrique then click on Créer un profil (Create a profile).
  • Select the appropriate type of profile.
  • Provide all the information required then accept the conditions of use.



Last update: August 25, 2023


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