Transfer of lease rights and obligations

Leases may be transferred under certain conditions.

New ownership of shoreline properties adjacent to water property in the domain of the State in cases where the previous owner held a lease and where the structures mentioned therein still exist, such as backfill, docks, etc. may apply to transfer the rights and obligations stipulated in that lease.

Transfers will only be authorized in cases where the conditions of occupation still correspond to those stipulated in the existing lease that has been in effect for less than 25 years.

Applications for the transfer of rights and obligations that do not meet the above-mentioned criteria will not be approved and will require a new lease application.

Submitting an application

Fill out both the Application to grant or modify rights (French) and the Acceptance form for the transfer of the rights and obligations of a lease (PDF 157 Kb) (French) online form. 

An acknowledgement of receipt will be provided once the application has been submitted.

Applications for the transfer of rights and obligations are reviewed for eligibility. Depending on the case, additional information may be requested.

If the transfer is feasible, a letter of confirmation, signed by an authorized Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs employee, will be sent. The transferred lease will still expire 25 years from the original date of effect.

If the transfer is not feasible, a new application for rights will be required.

No fees are payable for applications to transfer the rights and obligations of private not-for-profit leases.

However, fees do apply for applications to transfer the rights and obligations of for-profit marina and aquaculture leases or sublets.

If you have any problems, please contact us.

Last update: December 18, 2023


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