Complete your application for Loans and Bursaries

You can usually complete your application starting in May for the upcoming school year, which runs from September 1 to August 31. Be sure to apply in advance to obtain your financial assistance at the beginning of the school year.

You have up to 30 days following your last month of study in the current school year to submit your application.

Your application is not renewed automatically. You must therefore submit one for each year of study.

To complete your application, you will need the following information:

  • Your permanent code (comprised of 4 letters and 8 digits). If you do not have a permanent code, please contact your educational institution to obtain one or apply by mail.
  • Your social insurance number.
  • The codes for your financial institution and your program of study.
  • Your income or an estimate of your income for the year (from January 1 to December 31).

Other information may be required, such as a date of a marriage or the birth of a child.

You have 45 days to send us the required documents. You can either upload them in your online file or send them to us by mail.  All required documents or changes in your situation (e.g. marital status, dependent child, disability) must be sent to us no later than December 29 following the end of the school year.

The analysis of your application will begin once you have provided all required information and documentation.

Apply by mail

You can submit your application by mail by completing the following form:

1001 - Application for Loans and Bursaries 2023-2024 (PDF 449 Kb)

Refer to the Application for Financial Assistance – Loans and Bursaries guide (PDF 1.08 Mb) to find out what documents to provide, if needed.

General notice

Processing your documents

Consult the processing dates for documents sent by regular mail or upload to Aide financière aux études.

For more information, please contact Aide financière aux études, Client Services.

Last update: April 3, 2024


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General notice

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